Are we heading towards the end of criminal liability? This was also the topic of Prof. Vladimír Smejkal's lecture

On February 4, 2025, our institute hosted a professional lecture by one of the founders of the field of IT law and IT forensics in the Czech Republic, and a court expert, Professor Vladimír Smejkal, on th...

Hackathon 2025 "Light Up Africa" - Let´s help to build sustainable energy in Africa

National Center for Construction 4.0, in cooperation with CTU in Prague and ČEZ, is organizing Hackathon 2025 "Light Up Africa" for university students. The event will take place on March 5–6, 2025, in Prague. The mai...

Koncert žáků a pedagogů Gymnázia a Hudební školy hl. m. Prahy na CIIRC

Srdečně vás zveme na koncert talentovaných žáků a pedagogů z Gymnázia a Hudební školy hl. m. Prahy, který se bude konat ve čtvrtek 20....

CACORR - CIIRC Annual Colloquium on Research Results

We have completed another meeting of scientific departments and teams aimed at strengthening collaboration and presenting all research teams and the best results achieved at CIIRC over the past year 2024....

Starting the New Year at CIIRC CTU

On January 7, 2025, we celebrated the start of the new year with a toast. Director Dr. Ondřej Velek and Scientific Director Prof. Vladimír Mařík welcomed the employees and presented the priorities for 202...