Why not to worry about artificial intelligence?


The book „Proč se nebát umělé inteligence?“ by Vladimír Mařík, Michal Trčka, David Černý et al. was christened on 11 November 2024 at our institute. The godfather of the book was the rector of CTU doc. Vojtěch Petráček.

The authors of Why Not to Fear Artificial Intelligence? The authors offer a sober and expertly informed view of the current state and prospects of artificial intelligence (AI). Readers will learn in an accessible format what the technological foundations of AI are, what its history is, and how natural language processing is done in large-scale language models. The book also shows how AI applications are already being used today in industry, healthcare, robotics, or cybersecurity, and how AI can be used specifically in government or service industries, for example. A number of contributions are devoted to philosophical reflections on the role and possibilities of artificial machines, ethics and law in their use.

Among the authors are also a number of scientists from the CIIRC CTU, in addition to the scientific director of the CIIRC Vladimír Mařík, Tomáš Mikolov, Torsten Sattler, Antonín Vobecký, Josef Šivic, Tomáš Pajdla, Karel Košnar, Jan Šedivý, Petr Kadera, Lenka Lhotská, Olga Štěpánková, Mikoláš Janota, Martin Suda, Josef Urban and Miroslav Svítek.

Other authors include a number of prominent scientists from various fields – Emil Pelikán, Josef Psutka, Jan Hajič, Michal Pěchouček and David Černý. The introduction was written by one of the most important European scientists – Holger Hoos, who works at RWTH Aachen and Leiden University.

Why Not to Be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence is a collection of essays that debunks myths, exaggerated expectations and artificially induced fears, and instead emphasizes its usefulness and applicability. You may be surprised to learn that the Czech contribution to the development of this interesting scientific discipline is not at all negligible.

The book is addressed to all those who, as a result of inadequate „popularization“, fear the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence. It will also appeal to those who encounter AI to one degree or another on a daily basis, including IT professionals, students at all types of schools, and workers in industry, service, and government. The essays are not directly related to each other, are independent, and can be read in any order or skipped. Everyone can find what interests them the most.

You can get the book e.g. HERE or from good booksellers.


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