Art at CIIRC supported Ukraine


On April 19, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, CTU, organized an encounter of two art worlds: music and painting, with the aim of supporting Ukraine. A concert by the CTU Academic Orchestra took place, harpists from Ukraine also performed, and the artist Martina Konvičková presented her painting Peace in Yellow and Blue, which was painted in response to current events in Ukraine.

I am very pleased that our institute will be decorated with a very artistically impressive painting by Martina Konvičková. The gala evening alone would be enough, the strong tone of the event strengthens its human dimension: we want to make clear that we support Ukraine and want the people who had to leave the country to feel welcome,“ said the director of the institute Dr. Ondrej Velek. „That’s why scientists from Ukraine are welcomed to work here, that’s why Ukrainian harpists perform here,“ he added.

The Academic Orchestra, conducted by Jan Šrámek, has prepared a diverse program composed of pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Cecile Chaminade and Gustav Holst. Harpists Anastasia Subina and Lilia Konstantinova performed solo. „The CTU Academic Orchestra gives opportunities not only to students from CTU, but also to other colleges and universities. When I found out that there are harpists of Ukrainian origin in Prague, I did not hesitate and offered them the opportunity to perform with an attractive instrument,“ said conductor Jan Šrámek.  „And I am very glad that parallel considerations about linking the concert with the support of Ukraine also took place at CIIRC.“

Martina Konvičková’s large canvas Peace in Yellow and Blue will adorn the entrance to the CIIRC building for a long time and welcome visitors with its positive vibes. „The combination of yellow and blue has been etched deep beneath our skin these days. For me, they always meant sun and water. Resources and necessary living conditions. When they touch, they turn green. The color of the heart chakra. Sprout, new life. The body of each leaf of the rainforest. Take a deep breath,“ Martina Konvičková presented her inspiration.  „I can stand here and say, I am touched, and what I desire with all my heart is Peace.“

The guests of the gala evening were invited by the organizers to contribute voluntary admission to one of the charities helping Ukraine.


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