A smart robot that will guide you safely through the crossing


The IPA2X robot is a so-called intelligent assistant for pedestrians. An autonomous mobile robotic device that should ensure greater safety at crossings, for example for children or people with mobility problems, but of course for all pedestrians in general. It has two main parts. A chassis with wheels driven by electric motors and a two-meter pole, which is basically its brain – LiDAR and cameras, thanks to which it can recognize objects in its surroundings. This head also houses the so-called HMI, i.e. a set of screens that transmit signals to both drivers and pedestrians. In addition, the vehicle can send a signal to an approaching car, for example to its infotainment system.

To put it simply, it’s a smart moving traffic light. This so-called rover was developed by two Italian startups, Hipert and Lifetouch. Another participants, Škoda Auto, even developed a special mask for the Enyaq iV car that could give signals to pedestrians, and scientists from CIIRC CTU helped with communication between the rover and cars via special application. The entire project financed by the European Union is supervised by the Technical University of Munich.


You can listen to the audio version of the podcast, for example, on the website SimplyClever Podcast. (in Czech only)

We wrote about this intelligent assistant on our website HERE and the interview with our scientist Michal Sojka you could listen HERE.

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