Bulletin of Industry 4.0 – 01/2019: Predictive maintenance/ Digital Czechia


From the issue:

  • What is predictive maintenance and what are the main aims? An article by Technical University in Liberec sums up all you need to know about this important principle of Industry 4.0.
  • SKF decided to test predictive maintenance in reality and introduced it to its production facility in Chodov. Results coming in after the first year of use are very positive.
  • Making maintenance of production and assembly lines easier for its customers motivated JHV to come up with a new approach to service and maintenance by applying existing features in a new way.
  • New service platform introduced by Toyota Material Handling will help with diagnosing forklift problems faster and even remotely.
  • MindSphere by Siemens provides an essential tool for predictive maintenance.
  • Digital Czechia is becoming a frequently used term. We have summed up for you what is behind this strategy and how it can be useful for companies in the Industry 4.0 area

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