Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) is a training workplace for the following doctoral study programs of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) of CTU:
- P0613D140022 Informatika
- P0613D140023 Computer Science
- P0714D150003 Kybernetika a robotika
- P0714D150004 Cybernetics and Robotics
- P0688D060001 Bioinženýrství
- P0688D060002 Bioengineering
I. What should I do if I am interested in doctoral (PhD) studies at CIIRC?
- Applicants for doctoral studies are admitted to study at FEE/CIIRC in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law and internal regulations SER and DSC of CTU.
- Detailed information, including applications, requirements, and deadlines, is available on the FEE website.
- If you have any further questions and requirements before and during your studies, please contact the Doctoral Studies Administrator Ing. Marcela Kvasničková (CIIRC, Building A, 7th floor, office 714, Tel.: +420 224354139,
II. What should I do if I want to become a doctoral supervisor at CIIRC?
II.1) I am an Associate Professor/Professor/Doctor of Sciences (DrSc.) or a supervisor approved by the Scientific Board of FEE
- Announce your dissertation topic in one of the above-mentioned study programs under CIIRC department code 37000 via the FEE doctoral topic database (applicants for doctoral studies always apply for a specific topic).
- Every new topic must be submitted for approval to the board of the respective study programme. Therefore, the topic must be announced well before the deadline for doctoral student applications, which is always on 31 October for 1 February enrolment and on 30 April for 1 September enrolment.
II.2) I am not an Associate Professor/Associate Professor/Doctor of Science (DrSc.) or a supervisor approved by the Scientific Council of FEE
- „Temporary doctoral supervisors’’ can be approved by the Scientific Council of FEE in one of the above-mentioned study programmes. The approval is limited to 6 years and cannot be extended. To automatically gain the permanent supervisor position, a temporary supervisor needs to habilitate before the end of this period.
- To apply for the approval, you must have already led at least one doctoral student as a supervisor-specialist to a successful defense of the dissertation.
- If the previous condition is met, submit your application consisting of
- application documents,
- the statement of the Head of your department supporting your application,
- and your CV
to the administrator for doctoral studies, Ing. Marcela Kvasničková, who will arrange the next approval process, which takes about 4 weeks. In case of a positive outcome, continue with II 1) above.
Find further information on the role and status of the supervisor.