Creation of Resilient Cities becomes critical issue stated CIIRC CTU conference


2nd International Conference on Organizing Urban Resilience was held at CIIRC CTU on October 3-4, 2019 being jointly organized by CIIRC CTU and EFEED.  Urban Resilience is quite a new, emerging research topic which naturally integrates achievements in different scientific areas and helps to prepare cities for handling risks connected with unexpected events, like earthquake, flooding, blackouts or pollution crises.

„The topic of Urban Resilience is extremely important and sometimes forgotten or ignored. We should start to develop suitable complex methods for helping to enable to manage cities under unexpected situations“, opens the conference CIIRC CTU Scientific Director prof. Vladimír Mařík. „These situations could be caused not only by nature, but namely as an impact of technology progress. Methods of AI are very suitable for changing the situation in this field,“ adds Mařík. 

In the focus of attention were the AI for Urban, Territorial and European/wide Resilience, with the focus to exploration of agent-based methods, system integration principles, AI/based simulation and modeling, knowledge sharing, data mining and machine learning. One of the tracks was oriented towards security and resilience of Industry 4.0 solutions.  New methods of disaster risk and crisis management in smart Cities and Regions were thoroughly discussed. AI-based simulation and decision making penetrates to this field dramatically as the complexity of managed urban and regional systems exceeds all the limits and the decision making should be carried out under uncertainty and in timely manner. Special attention was paid to education in the field of Urban Resilience and very interesting presentations were given by students.

„The second international conference on organizing urban resilience was a very efficient forum for experts coming from universities, industries and cities to exchange views on the progress they made in their field.  The next step will be to provide them a platform to cooperate in real time and aggregate useful messages for city managers,“ comments on the outputs of the conference Didier Lombard, president of EFEED.

Prof. Peter Young, St. Thomas University, Minneapolis, US adds: „In light of the many major issues we face—climate change, political and economic instabilities, increasing interconnectivity of global systems—the vulnerabilities of cities stands out as one of the most important issues of our age. As we have learned more about predicting risks, we have also become aware of the limits of our understanding of uncertainties and—of course—the unknowable.  This means that while mitigating risks remains important, the primary response must focus on the creation of resilient cities.“

The Prague Urban Resilience conference opens a new stage of the relevant research towards practical solutions in managing cities and agglomerations in risky situations.

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