How is the energy sector being innovated?


Are you curious about the future of energy? When will electricity become cheaper? Will modular reactors be our salvation? And which energy mix predominates?

Listen to a discussion about innovations in energy. Energy expert Radek Škoda joined the discussion on behalf of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics. Radek Škoda is the head of the Teplator project, which represents a revolutionary and innovative solution in the energy sector, based on nuclear waste being used for heating the cities.

Other gests were Radek Hartman, Member of the Board of ČEPS and František Vašek, Head of Business Development Nano Green (Nano Energies). Moderated by Tomáš Studeník, ředitel Insane Business Ideas.

The discussion is available in Czech language only.

Innovation Heroes are meetings at the border of the worlds of universities, technology, ingenuity and business. Representatives of organizations that are world leaders in innovation in their field are invited and together they reveal how ideas are born that determine the future. The future of education, health, movement, industry, cities and life in general.

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