Bulletin of Industry 4.0 - New business models/ Planning, scheduling and optimization


National Centre for Industry 4.0 just published the latest issue of Bulletin of Industry 4.0 focused on New business models/ Planning, scheduling and optimization

From the issue:

  • The world is changing and so is the industry. What business models will be used in the future and where on the map of industry it leaves you is being decided right now.
  • Set your robotic production-line right so that the production is the most effective: Optimization of robotic production-lines energy consumption according to the Industrial Informatics department at CIIRC.
  • Take a visit with us to the Siemens digital factory in Erlangen where they transformed theory into real life.
  • Data as the basis for new business models – learn how Siemens uses machines learning.
  • Production planning can be easier with a planning algorithm. It saves time, effort and millions in costs.
  • What is the economic forecast for 2019 respectively for innovation planning in your company is the focus of Česká spořitelna’s economic analysis.
  • Refurbished bearings and new business models work together.
  • And the Werner von Siemens Prize for Industry 4.0 thesis goes to …. L. Bukata from CIIRC!

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