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the original article was published at: https://www.novinky.cz/zena/styl/clanek/robot-pepa-partak-pro-seniory-40292809 text in CZ only „Jsem robot, který byl navržen tak, aby pomáhal a radil ve vašem centru. Můžete se mě zeptat na cokoliv, a já se vám budu snažit odpovědět. S postupem času bych měl umět stále více věcí. Chtěl byste se bavit o jídle?“ Navazuje komunikaci robot Pepper v pražské organizaci ŽIVOT 90, která se stará o seniory. Bílá, sto dvacet...
Czech language only: video from Experiment Special live broadcast with prof. Vaclav Hlavac, CIIRC CTU. https://youtu.be/yT_7h4XeLHU
Czech language only Zdroj: Svět chytře Dnes už není tak výjimečné, když na vás v domácnosti promluví lednice, kávovar nebo vysavač. Prodejní rekordy trhají i chytré reproduktory typu Alexa od Amazonu. Jenže debata s nimi pořád ještě vázne. Český tým vědců z pražského ČVUT proto vytvořil chatbota, který dokáže nejen odpovídat na dotazy, ale umí vést i plynulou konverzaci. Dostal jméno Alquist. Když se řekne chatbot, představí si většina lidí chytrý reproduktor typu Alexy od Amazonu. Řeknete mu, aby...
European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR) is an internationally open biennial European forum allowing top researchers working in basic and applied research to learn about and discuss the latest achievements and innovations in mobile robotics and mobile human-robot systems. After Barcelona (Spain), Lincoln (UK) and Paris (France) this year will be hosted by Prague, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics,...
Venue: CIIRC CTU Date: October 3 - 4, 2019 more info and registration Download the leaflet.
The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at the Czech Technical University in Prague invites applications for three tenure-track p...
On July 23 Mr. Ryosei Tanaka, State Minister from the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government, and Mr. Kaoru Shimazaki, Japanese Ambassador to the Czech Republic, visited CIIRC CTU to learn about the Institute’s research program. The distinguished guests and their teams were first met by CIIRC’s director Dr. Ondřej Velek and CIIRC’s Scientific Director Prof. Vladimír Mařík who both have...
On Monday July 22, 2019, a distinguished roboticist, Czechoslovak expatriate, born in Bratislava, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Czech Technical University, Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy along with her Ph.D. student Ms. Laura Hallock visited Czech Technical University in Prague. Ruzena Bajcsy, who is now 86 years old, is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley and still an active researcher...
2nd International Data Spaces Association Summit took place at end of June in Bonn, Germany. The Czech IDSA hub that was launched at the beginning of June during open House Day in Testbed for Industry 4.0 CIIRC ČVUT was represented there by Petr Kadera. Petr Kadera is not only a representative and ambassador of the Czech hub, but also...