Project name: Intelligent Machine Perception
Acronym: IMPACT
Project website:
ID code: EF15_003/0000468
Supported by: European Union – Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports CZ (MEYS)
Programme: European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE)
Call No. 02_15_003 Excellent Research Teams in Priority Axis 1 OP
Project duration: 06/2017 – 06/2023
Eligible costs: CZK 122,6 mil.
Main investigator: Dr. Ing. Josef Šivic
Coordinator: CIIRC CTU – Czech Technical University in Prague – Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics


The IMPACT project focuses on fundamental and applied research in computer vision, machine learning and robotics to develop intelligent systems that understand complex visual inputs, learn, reason, navigate and interact with dynamic environments. This all autonomously or with only minimal human supervision.

Advanced visual intelligence abilities such as interpreting sequences of human actions that manipulate objects to achieve a specific task is currently a challenge. However, there is no artificial system with a similar level of cognitive visual competence.

The IMPACT approach combines advanced visual recognition with trajectory optimization techniques from robotics. The objective is to enable robots to learn how to manipulate tools by watching instructional videos. The goal is to replace the traditional manual robot programming with an automatic learning approach.

The aim of the project is to build a dynamic, young research team, which will draw on a unique expertise from Dr. Josef Šivic, an ERC Starting Grant holder with strong experience and links to the strategic international partner, INRIA.
Thanks to that, the transfer of entirely new machine learning methods will be transferred to the team. The aim is also to transfer knowledge in the field of international grants (especially H2020 and ERC) and increase the success of the grants. At the same time it is expected to increase the quality of publishing performance of the team, thanks to the realization of attractive research intentions in cooperation with the elite INRIA and other researchers from abroad.
The related objective is therefore the development of strategic international cooperation, in the form of: deepening (expanding cooperation from an individual level to an institutional level, sharing best practice at the strategic level, continuity of cooperation also outside the scope of the grants) and targeting selected areas, especially coordination grants, ERC grants, attestation and evaluation policy, etc.).