Interview with Michal Postránecký in Hospodářské Noviny

Zdroj foto: Hospodářské noviny

The article focuses on the transformation of modern cities with the advent of new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles and robots with artificial intelligence, which require changes in infrastructure and adaptation of human behavior. Architect and urban planner Michal Postránecký, director of the City of the Future Center at CIIRC CTU, talks about the fact that cities must constantly develop and change, otherwise they would disappear. According to him, the smart city concept was originally aimed at optimizing city infrastructure with the help of technology, but over time it became distorted. He prefers the term „city of the future“, which takes into account longer-term developments and broader contexts.

Postránecký criticizes over-regulation and the slow introduction of innovations in the Czech Republic. He points out that urban planning should include more flexibility and adapt more quickly to new technologies. He also mentions his Vertimove project, which deals with the introduction of infrastructure for eVTOL (electric vertical take-off aircraft) in Prague. In conclusion, it emphasizes the need for coordination of urban systems and efficient use of resources for the development of cities of the future.

Whole article is in czech language HERE.

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