The PE Group deals with modeling and simulation of energy systems from the perspective of adequate Generation capacities for both energy production and Ancillary Services provision. It participates in the development of concepts for TSOs, DSOs, government in area of flexibility aggregation, AnS provision, Smart metering, load control (incl. replacing ripple control, so called HDO) etc. It cooperates on conceptual and pilot projects for MPO, ERU, TSO, DSO in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Research topics:
- modelling of power systems
- generation adequacy asessment
- smart metering
- DataHub
- flexibility aggregation
- baseline, ancillary services provision, hybrid powerplant
Projects: Magma, Adsend, SecureFlex, MAF-RI, DFLEX, SM4RT, NCK-KUI, DeCoDiS, Energy nest
Head of the group
Name: Ondřej Mamula
Researchers: David Hrycej, Martin Vajsar, Tomáš Vlk