CTU Academic Orchestra concert


Please be cordialy invited to a concert by the CTU Academic Orchestra 

under the leadership of Jan Šrámek

„Popular with Music Greats“


When:       March 7, 2023 from 6:30 p.m.
Where:       CIIRC CTU, respirium (Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Prague 6)



Marc-Antoine Charpentier „Concert“

Ludwig van Beethoven „Jedenáct vídeňských tanců“

Bedřich Smetana „Jiřinková polka“

Bedřich Smetana „Louisina polka“

Antonín Dvořák „Serenáda D-Dur“

Petr Iljič Čajkovský „Tanec Mirlitonů“


The admission is free, seats without numbering and reservations until capacity is filled.

Employees of CIIRC CTU, CTU and their family members or friends are cordially invited.


The CTU Academic Orchestra is a unique musical ensemble in the Czech Republic, which gives students not only from CTU but also other colleges and universities the opportunity to practice music. The chief conductor is the professional conductor Jan Šrámek, who draws on his many years of artistic experience in professional musical ensembles, as well as his directorial and dramaturgical experience. The orchestra performs mainly on stages in Prague, but also in other places in the Czech Republic. The orchestra is also invited to perform outside the academic community of CTU. For example, in the Senate of the Czech Republic and in the Spanish Hall of Prague Castle. The orchestra celebrated great success at concerts in Cambridge, England. One of the biggest successes was the concert called „Living Memory“ in the sold-out Smetana Hall of the Municipal House. Other successes include the premiere of J. Vogel’s compositions, a concert for Charles University, or concerts with soloists such as Pavel Šporcl, Ivo Kahánek or Lubomír Brabec.

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