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The second year of the Global Goals Summit 2024 organized by the Association of Social Responsibility and DVTV is behind us. The entire event was also supported by the National Center for Industry 4.0. This important event took place on the grounds of our institute in the Respirium area, which was decorated with dozens of colorful umbrellas representing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the conference Digitization of SMEs 2024: The use of AI in industrial production took place in the campus of the Polytechnic University in Jihlava in the presence of more than 130 participants. The event, which is organized annually by the CzechInvest agency and the National Industry 4.0 Center in cooperation with...
              What are the goals of the ROBOPROX project? It was these goals that Robert Babuška talked about in the Czech Television program Věda24. Mr. Babuška's speech can be viewed HERE at 18.10.
Listen to the interview of Professor Aleš Procházka from CIIRC about the application of mathematics in contemporary applications, including artificial intelligence. What is the beauty of his exact science? What do we owe mathematics for? And can we see what horizons artificial intelligence will open for us? Hosted by Marie Retková. Listen HERE.
The Werner von Siemens Award 2023 in the category Best graduate thesis dealing with Industry 4.0 topics was won by Ing. Erik Derner from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, who, as part of the ELLIS Postdoc program...
A comprehensive interview with our scientific director, Professor Mařík, was published in "Hospodářské noviny" in "Speciální příloha" of HN.   Professor Vladimír Mařík, founder and scientific director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at CTU, evaluates the current state of digitalization of Czech industry. He points to the lack of a clear vision and research support from...
The Czech Industry Analysis 2024 published by the National Centre for Industry 4.0 (NCP 4.0) maps the level of digital maturity in a sample of 328 companies from the Czech Republic. These companies have undergone an independent DigiAudit, a technology-independent methodology developed by NCP 4.0 that can serve as a first step to set an effective strategy for digitisation...
Tomáš Mikolov appears in the new episode of the TV show in Česká Televize Bilance on the topic "Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence?"
Wienerberger A.G. presented the results of a joint project of the TAČR - "Bricklaying Robot", which is a revolution in the construction industry. Scientists from the CIIRC CTU from the Intelligent and Mobile Ro...
Podívejte se na zajímavý dokument České Televize s názvem "Mozek v plechovce", který byl natáčen u nás v budově CIIRC a Testbedu na konci minulého roku a v současné chvíli je vysílán.

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