CTU is going to cooperate closely with South Korea in the field of research, the Memorandums of Cooperation was signed today

Zdroj: ČVUT

The visit of the Korean delegation headed by South Korean President Jun Sok-jool to the Czech Republic directly concerned the Czech Technical University. Its representatives signed several memorandums of cooperation with the Koreans today; they will focus mainly on joint research and exchange of know-how, in the fields of energy, robotics and engineering.

The Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has agreed in a memorandum with CTU to coordinate joint research and also to exchange scientists on both sides as part of a broader sharing of knowledge. This involves cooperation in the field of batteries and renewable energy, especially photovoltaics. The research of the Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics and other scientists at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of CTU, who focus on computational simulation and design of 2D materials for solar cells, will contribute significantly to this. Experts at the CTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering are working on the implementation of new materials, the development of low-cost solar cells, the use of solar energy in microgrids, the degradation of photovoltaic cells, batteries and their testing, community energy, and the storage and use of electricity.

Zdroj: ČVUT
Pror. Zbyněk Škvor
Zdroj: ČVUT


More information can be found in the Czech version of this report.



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