CIIRC Assembly Resolution related to Prof. V. Mařík removal from the director position


CIIRC CTU Assembly Resolution from June 15, 2018

The extraordinary meeting of the CIIRC Assembly dealt with the situation, which occurred after the Rector doc. V. Petráček removed the director of CIIRC Prof. V. Mařík from his office on June 4, 2018

CIIRC CTU Assembly approved the following public resolution related to the matter and addressed it mainly to the Academic Senate of CTU and to the CTU Rector.

  • We appreciate the opinion of CTU Board of Directors from June 3, 2018. We associate ourselves with its appeal.
  • We value the public support which Prof. Mařík received from the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Mayor of City Prague, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, and other representative of industry and academia.
  • We state that neither CIIRC Assembly nor CIIRC employees have not been informed yet by the CTU Rector about the reasons for the removal of Prof. V. Mařík from director’s position.
  • We appeal to CTU Academic Senate, which is also our self-governing body, to deal with our urgent request without further delay. We are ready to help the CTU Academic Senate actively by contributing data while preparing the corresponding Academic Senate meeting.
  • We value that the CTU Rector, Prof. V. Mařík and other relevant persons negotiate the matter. We hope the negotiations will lead to a swift rectification of the occurred situation.

Seven of eleven CIIRC Assembly members were present. There were seven votes for, no vote against and no vote absented.

In Prague, Friday June 15, 2018, 13:05

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