Generation A: Artists and Artificial Intelligence Meet at the RICAIP Research Centre


The Czech-German RICAIP Research Centre at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University in Prague will welcome young European artists in the coming days and weeks, who will focus on learning about artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of the Goethe-Institut’s residency program. The purpose of the residency program, which will bring remarkable artistic talents from France and the UK to the Czech capital in the autumn, is to mediate ties between scientists and European artists and inspire them to (co)creative work.

„Art residencies will allow young artists from the field of fine arts to get acquainted within a four-week stay with the activities of leading scientific institutions in Europe. The aim is to transfer knowledge and establish close cooperation between scientists, researchers, and artists, which we believe is a very fruitful process,“ comments Luisa Rath, program manager of the Goethe-Institut in the Czech Republic.

The residency program of European artists at the RICAIP research centre is mediated by the Czech branch of the Goethe-Institut, as part of the pan-European Generation A = Algorithm project. It is a pan-European project of the German Goethe-Institut, which sends a total of fifteen carefully selected scholarship holders to thirteen prestigious European scientific and research institutions.

foto:Goethe-Institut Praha

„It is remarkable that just a few days after our institute was visited by German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, we will host a visit with such a different focus in our Testbed for Industry 4.0,“ emphasizes prof. Vladimíř Mařík, scientific director of CIIRC CTU, and adds: “We really appreciate the cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, thanks to our participation in this program we will have a total of three artists here. I believe that it will be inspiring both for them and our scientists.“

„Today, we welcomed the first two scholarship holders to look behind the scenes at the research in the coming weeks,“ says Tilman Becker, director of RICAIP. “They are the French visual artists Douna Lim and Théo Pesso, who will focus mainly on the influence of algorithms on current film production. For example, scenarios influenced by artificial intelligence will be created, and they will also focus on how computer algorithms approach film editing,“ adds Tilman Becker. In the autumn, the UK artist Lily McCraith will visit the RICAIP centre, who is mainly interested in the technical methods of creating images and text and how these methods affect our view of the world.

Like RICAIP and CIIRC CTU in Prague’s Dejvice, twelve other professional workplaces throughout Europe are opening their doors to artists. The works of art, ideas, thoughts that will arise during these internships will be an artistic bridge, a catalyst between scientists and the public. They will offer new perspectives on the challenging topic of artificial intelligence and open up space for further discussions on the topic, which will step out of the scientific shadow towards the general public.

Generation A: Algorithm. Artistic internships at the RICAIP research centre

Autumn 2021. More information:


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