Concepts for the society of the future are presented in a series of videos from CIIRC CTU


In a series of videos called „Engineering and Truly Intelligent Future“, which was created at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University, the micro-stories present the diverse world of contemporary science to the general and professional public. Our ambassadors, established scientific capacities together with promising students present their research and projects from many fields – from the theory of automatic control and general artificial intelligence to drones flying in flocks.

In the series, we show the diversity of scientific work and celebrate its playfulness and creativity. At the same time, we make visible current and tangible results and the use of science in everyday life – for example, innovative methods of heat production and storage, verification of critical system reliability using computer mathematics or remote control of lung ventilators and vital signs monitors (which significantly helps to improve medical care e.g. during covid-19).

„At CIIRC CTU, we are also developing concepts for the future – for example in the field of urbanism and smart cities, autonomous vehicles or industrial manufacturing and energy,“ says Alena Nováková, CIIRC CTU communications manager who was in charge of video spots and adds: „Multidisciplinary cooperation, practical application, support for excellent basic research; all this with regard to the development towards the society of the future is reflected in the claim Engineering a Truly Intelligent Future ’.

 „In the videos, we gave space not only to prominent scientific personalities, such as prof. Vladimír Kučera, who is world-famous thanks to eponymous Youla-Kučera parametrization or Tomáš Mikolov, currently one of the most cited and at the same time well-known young scientists in the field of artificial intelligence, but also to young and promising scientists. Petr Marek and his team are developing chatbot Alquist, which is so good that it won first prize in the Amazon competition and half a million dollars. Gabriela Šejnová uses robot Pepper to acquaint seniors with new technologies and at the same time entertain them. We want to show the public what we do specifically, what faces are hidden behind our research and what our modern laboratories look like,” explains Professor Vladimír Mařík, scientific director of the institute, about the motivation to shoot the series.

The videos are aimed at the general public, but also at other groups – industrial companies, policy makers or students – and try to convey to them the width of the institute’s scientific scope, specific projects and their results.

The videos for CIIRC CTU were made by Steezy s.r.o., which won the tender. „In the proposal, the company best understood our goals and brought truly creative solutions and procedures that helped us fulfill our vision,“ says Alena Nováková. „Videos of this type require a clear connection to the brand for which they are created. CTU has clearly recognizable colors and fonts, which we decided to project into videos in the trick scenes in combination with 3D visualizations. We are very happy that we received full trust from the CIIRC team and the implementation was very smooth,“ adds Tomáš Carda from Steezy.

The series includes 4 videos, each focusing on a specific area, and 1 summary video, which briefly introduces all the ambassadors, including the CIIRC directors. The videos will be used not only online and on social networks, but also during seminars or lectures that we organize for the public and thus support the CIIRC CTU brand.

You can watch all videos on our YouTube channel.

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