Open House Prague: CIIRC building shall open to public through the weekend


The biggest festival of open buildings in Prague is back in the traditional month of May! The 8th Open House Prague takes place on May 16–22, 2022. This year’s program features 101 usually inaccessible buildings which you can visit on the weekend of May 21–22 with free admission!

Full info about the festival:

Originally a university canteen designed by architects František Čermák and Gustav Paul, there are now two buildings – the reconstructed Building B and the new Building A – which make up the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC). Designed by Petr Franta, Čermák’s student, the eye-catching complex boasts a number of architectural and technological innovations, for example a pneumatic facade, an esthetically impressive wall planted in front of the actual building. The facade contains special isolation technology which absorbs noise from the street, repels dirt, and saves energy. The new Building A houses the main office of the chancellor, workrooms, laboratories, university incubator, and classrooms. Come and learn more about the technologies used in this award-winning complex, which is going to open doors to the public during Open House Prague for the first time ever!

When to visit: Sat  – Sun May 21 – May 22, 10:00 – 18:00

Special event: Tour with ing. arch. Petr Franta, the architect of the building
Sat May 21 from 2 p.m.
(Reseravations are not available, first come first serve basis).

The guided tour shall last about 30 minutes and is available in Czech language only. The unguided visit is not possible.

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