Professor Vladimír Kučera received the highest scientific honor - Česká hlava

Česká hlava 2021, Praha

Prof. prof. Vladimír Kučera from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU) became a laureate of the national award Česká hlava. The most prestigious Czech scientific honor for his lifelong contribution to the development of the theory of automatic control on a global scale was awarded to him by the Czech government on the proposal of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation at the gala evening Česká hlava on December 5.

The scientific contribution of Professor Vladimír Kučera is perceived primarily in three revolutionary results that have shifted world science in the field of automatic control. The three results are an original synthesis of discrete control circuits, also known as the polynomial equation method; Youla-Kučera parameterization of stabilizing regulators and non-interactive control of complex systems, known in the literature as „decoupling“: a problem that was formulated 80 years ago and could not be solved.

Česká hlava 2021, Praha

Youla-Kučera parameterization is the most significant result of Professor Kučera, who started a completely new direction of research in the theory of automatic control. Not only it is extensively quoted, the Google search query captures tens of thousands of links, but it is also used in the applications we come across every day. These include multi-purpose control systems, typically optimal control, robust control, fault suppression, vibration damping, closed-loop system identification, adaptive control and up to control, which switches stabilizing controllers when environmental influences change or tolerates accidental control circuit faults. Recently, their use, for example, for safer driving of autonomous vehicles has become increasingly important.

„Discovering new knowledge with many citations and applications is a success, but the greatest success is the result that the scientific community names after the author,“ says prof. Vladimir Kucera. „I have already won a number of awards, but I value Česká hlava the most. It is also an encouragement for me to continue my creative work, „he adds.

Professor Vladimír Kučera has been working as the Deputy Director at CIIRC CTU since 2015, before that he worked as the Director of the Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies CTU, the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU and also the Director of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR. In all these positions, he significantly contributed to the development of these institutions. Vladimír Kučera is also a very popular teacher, he has been lecturing not only at CTU for decades. He is the solver or co-solver of projects with a total support of more than 1.1 billion crowns.

„Professor Vladimír Kučera was at the birth of CIIRC CTU and from the beginning our institute has been supported not only by his academic results, which I consider to be truly exceptional in the global context, but also in management. He has educated several generations of his followers and helps Czech science gain respect abroad as well. I am honored to have such a colleague, „says prof. Vladimír Mařík, Scientific Director of CIIRC CTU.


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