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Aplikace umělé inteligence se čím dál víc rozšiřují do všech průmyslových odvětví. Vodárenství a čistírenství není výjimkou. Budoucnost AI je především v analytických metodách vodárenství, tzn. tam, kde se analyzují velká data a řeší se optimalizace procesů
English version will be available soon...
The digitalization of production and management processes can significantly help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in coping with crisis periods, as well as prepare them for post-crisis transitions. A consortium of institutions involv...
The documentary is available in the Czech original only   Watch the video here  ...
Watch the lecture by Karla Štěpánova for the Sisyfos club (in Czech language) ...
The English translation is coming soon....
Lily McCraith was in conversation with leading Czech AI expert Sara Polak, at the pAIoneers lab at Paralelní polis on Friday, 19 November 2021 from 18.00. Lily McCraith is a London-based designer, researcher and creative technologist working around the realms of artificial intelligence, computing, and design. Currently, she is in Prague for her residency at the Research and Innovation Centre...