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Source: Press Release T-Mobile CTU in Prague is one of the first places in Europe and the first in the Czech Republic to start operating a private network for industrial use based on pure 5G technologies. At the beginning of August, T-Mobi...
Žebříček Guide2Research vyhodnocuje úspěšnost informatiků na základě jejich H-indexu, cita...
source: Nadační fond Neuron The podcast is available in the Czech original Listen to the podcast here
The student team working at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University (CIIRC) led by Jan Šedivý advanced to the finals of the Alexa Prize Social Bot Grand Challenge, which was announced for...
the news including video recording from the conference is available in the Czech language
the recording from the seminar is available in the Czech original only
Pro studenty druhých a vyšších ročníků ČVUT v Praze se zájmem o kybernetiku, robotiku a informatiku připravili vědci z Testbedu pro Průmysl 4.0 na Českém institutu informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky ČVUT (CIIRC) přehled letních stáží. Jedná ...