The National Training Fund together with the CIIRC CTU organize on 19.9.2017 a Small Economic Forum with the participation of top economists such as Jiří Rusnok, Jan Švejnar, Luděk Niedremayer, Milan Zelený and others. It is a unique opportunity to meet these personalities.
For more information: Pozvánka na Malé ekonomické fórum.
On Monday, September 4, 2017, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotict and Cybernetics (CIIRC) opened with nearly two hundred guests three crucial activities.
In cooperation with the founding partners, the National Center of Industry 4.0 (NCP 4.0) was established with the solemn signature of the Memorandum, which aims to disseminate an awareness of Industry 4.0 and to develop close cooperation...
On 21 August 2017, CIIRC CTU was visited by Japan’s Minister of Economy, Technology and Industry, Mr. Hiroshige Seko. He was interested in Industry 4.0 and related research activities. The central theme was scientific-Czech-Japanese cooperation and the possibilities of its expansion, especially in robotics, computer vision and industrial automation. The Minister also talked with Mr. Yutak Nagashima, an employee...
The Garden celebration commemorating 310th CTU anniversary in Wallenstein garden under auspices of the Czech Republic Senate and its chairman Mr. Milan Štěch took place on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. ČVUT issued a silver medal on the occasion of the anniversary. CTU Rector Prof. Petr Konvalinka awarded this medal at the celebration also to five CIIRC employees.
Michal Čermák,...
Light Field Photography photos during Festive opening of ČVUT-CIIRC building on May 2, 2017; photed by Roman Sejkot
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On 16 May, CTU welcomed the Sultan Qaboos University delegation led by Her Majesty Dr. Monou al Said, a prominent member of the sultanate of Oman and the executive rector of Professor Ali al Bemani. The aim of the meeting was to get acquainted with the research and pedagogical activities, to present the future development priorities and personally with...
Professor Kučera has resolved a long-standing open problem of linear systems theory – decoupling by static state feedback. The earliest known investigation of system decoupling dates back to 1934, a state space formulation of the problem appeared in 1964, and a solution for square and invertible systems followed in 1967. The general case of right invertible systems, however, has withstood...
The ČVUT-CIIRC building was opened festively on Tuesday, May 2, 2017. The President of the Czech Republic Mr. Miloš Zeman and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr. Bohuslav Sobotka opened the building.
CIIRC společně s dalšími významnými partnery VUT-CEITEC, DFKI a ZeMA získal v prvním kole výzvy Teaming programu H2020 dotaci 400 tisíc EUR na rozvoj česko-německého výzkumného centra Průmyslu 4.0.
V druhém kole bude konsorcium usilovat o dotaci v souhrnné výši až 30 mil. EUR na provoz centra a související investice.
Rámec tohoto projektu byl již v roce 2016 zaštítěn podporou ze...
Seminář představil koncepci připravovaného Testbedu Průmyslu 4.0 a současně ukázal na některých konkrétních příkladech z praxe, jak na tom český průmysl s implementacemi myšlenek Průmyslu 4.0 skutečně je.
Dalším důležitým cílem bylo položit základy vytvoření dělné komunity firem kolem Testbedu 4.0, které by sdružovalo poskytovatele a uživatele řešení v oblasti Průmyslu 4.0, relevantní ICT firmy a akademickou sféru.