Home Teams & labs IV. RMP: Robotics and machine perception AAG - Applied Algebra and Geometry

AAG - Applied Algebra and Geometry

The Applied Algebra and Geometry group uses algebra, geometry, and optimization to address research questions in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning.

Research topics

  • Geometry and Algebra of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning
  • 3D Reconstruction and Visual Localization 
  • Neural Rendering and Privacy-Preserving 3D Representations


  • ROBOPROX – Robotics and advanced industrial production Project
  • A Unified 3D Map Representation GACS EXPRO 23-07973X  Project
  • ELIAS – European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability – HORIZONT-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02 
  • ELISE – European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence – H2020-ICT-48 Project
  • RICAIP – European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence – ESIF OP VV
  • SPRING – Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare – EU H2020 
  • MAGIK Eye – CTU Laboratory

Head of the team

Name: Tomáš Pajdla

Email: tomas.pajdla@cvut.cz

Principal researchers:
Tomas Pajdla (pajdla@cvut.cz, +420 604 236 022, GS, CV)
Torsten Sattler (torsten.sattler@cvut.cz,  +420 224 354 269, GS, CV)

Michal Polic (michal.polic@cvut.cz, GS)

PhD Students:
Pavel Trutman
Viktor Korotynskiy
Diana Sungatullina
Vojtech Panek
Jonas Kulhanek
Maxime Pietrantoni

MSc Students:
Nikita Sokovnin
Oskar Krejci
Veronika Hladikova
Natalie Smolikova

See more at: aag.ciirc.cvut.cz

Tomas Pajdla (CV)