T-Mobile and CIIRC CTU have launched one of the first pure 5G private networks for industry in Europe


Source: Press Release T-Mobile

CTU in Prague is one of the first places in Europe and the first in the Czech Republic to start operating a private network for industrial use based on pure 5G technologies. At the beginning of August, T-Mobile launched live operation of this 5G campus for the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University. The private 5G network will enable scientists, students and also industrial companies to develop innovative solutions for smart manufacturing and implement  digitization and Industry 4.0 more easily.

The campus network at CIIRC CTU uses the fastest and most modern digital technologies supporting LTE, 5G and IoT and covers laboratory premises, including the Testbed for Industry 4.0 (experimental laboratory of the future) with a total area of ​​1000 m2. The technology for T-Mobile’s first 5G Stand Alone (SA) network was supplied by Ericsson, which won the tender. The private 5G network will make it possible to test and develop the concept of smart factories, which open up new opportunities with the help of a high data flow.

State-of-the-art technology will allow us to verify Industry 4.0 concepts that require high data flow, short response times and stability, while demanding data security. All this can be realized thanks to the running 5G network. This opens up new opportunities that have the potential to change thinking in many industries. Together with industrial partners, we are now focusing on creating case studies, such as the use of mobile augmented reality for remote maintenance in industrial processes, „says Pavel Burget, Director of Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU.

T-Mobile specializes in private campus networks for universities and industry, and this year alone is investing tens of millions of crowns in them. „CIIRC belongs among one of the top workplaces. We believe that the launch of the campus network as the most modern communication technology will move this Institute among the European leaders and at the same time significantly support the digitization of Czech industry, „says Luboš Lukasík, Director of the Corporate Customers and Public Administration Division of T-Mobile Czech Republic. „A high-quality high-speed network is key to the entire Industry 4.0 concept, which is about digitizing and automating production processes,“ he adds.

T-Mobile is a partner of the nationwide academic-industrial platform National Center for Industry 4.0, which enables testing of 5G networks also within partner testbeds. In addition to the testbed at Prague CIIRC CTU, the Center also connects the testbed at CEITEC at Brno University of Technology, the testbed at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava and thanks to the RICAIP center of excellence the testbeds of the German institutes DFKI and ZeMA in Saarbrücken.

O události informovali: Lupa.cz, Newsgate, Systemonline, Mobilmania, IoT Portal, Mobilenet, Zakázka, a další.

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  1. […] Testbed pro Průmysl 4.0 prochází díky projektu RICAIP významnou přestavbou a upgradem technologií.  Přijďte se podívat na robotické experimenty, výrobní linku budoucnosti a prožijte realitu hned 2x – tu skutečnou a tu rozšířenou. Testbed pro Průmysl 4.0 je první v ČR a střední Evropě, kde jsme v srpnu spustili první ryzí průmyslovou 5G síť. […]

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