It will not work without robots, even smaller companies must be competitive, says Zdeněk Hanzálek

Zdroj foto: Hospodářské noviny

Read Helena Dostálova’s interview with Professor Zdenek Hanzálek, head of the industrial informatics department at CIIRC. The interview was published in Hospodářské noviny on December 6, 2023 and on the website

Zdeněk Hanzálek warns that the Czech Republic either has to take a modern path and integrate robots into production, or it will become a backward country with cheap assembly plants. Companies are currently facing the problem of a lack of digital data and qualified IT workers, which hinders overall digitization.

„We are getting to the point where mass production is being phased out and custom-made is coming to the fore. A lot of things change like that. When one product was produced for two years, optimization was mastered by humans. Now it changes two or three times a day. In addition, technical economic positions such as various planners and technologists have decreased. Often there is only management and labor in companies. So it happens very quickly that production is inefficient because it is poorly prepared and burdened with unnecessary work,“ says Zdeněk Hanzálek.

What more can you read in the interview:

What are companies currently dealing with in the field of digitization?

What has changed recently in the field of digitization of production?

How important are robots in small companies?

Is the use of robots a necessity for companies or can companies get by without them for now?

How does Zdeněk Hanzálek see the topic of digitization and education?

What is the current state of autonomous cars?

You can read the entire interview with Zdenek Hanzálek on the Hospodářské noviny website


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