RICAIP Testbed Day

RICAIP_Testbed Day_30.8.2018. Český institut informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky, CIIRC.

On Thursday, 30 August 2018, on the occasion of the completion of the first preparatory phase of the project, the event entitled „RICAIP Testbed Day“ was held at the Testbed for Industry 4.0 in the CIIRC CTU building.

The aim was to present to more than a hundred guests from both Czech and foreign companies and public administration the principles that will create RICAIP – Research and Innovation Center on Advanced Industrial Production. RICAIP is jointly implemented by four academic partners – two Czech research institutes, CIIRC CTU and CEITEC BUT, and two leading German research organizations, DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) and ZeMA (Center for Mechatronics and Automation).

RICAIP will virtually connect testbeds in the Czech Republic and Germany, laying the foundations of a Czech-German research center in the field of advanced distributed production. Over the past twelve months, project partners have been working on translating this vision into concrete steps and documents to be able to submit a project proposal for support in the autumn to implement the RICAIP Center and to raise funds from European and national resources under the Horizon2020 Teaming II Call.

The participants in the event were convinced of the fact that RICAIP brought concrete solutions for the industry when the first so-called research demonstrator was presented. A new way of organizing production by digitizing processes and linking production facilities across multiple locations was introduced. These are the principles upon which future automated multi-site production networks will be built and upon which they will accelerate the implementation of new manufacturing processes, reduce production costs, and make it easier for companies to enter the market and value chains.

More information on the RICAIP project can be found at: www.ricaip.eu

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