brAInfood series now also available in Czech thanks to CLAIRE Prague Office


Would you like to learn more about artificial intelligence? Do you need to learn quickly about terms such as machine or deep learning, computer vision and others? The first Czech edition of brAInfood series explains exactly that.

The full text can be found here: brAInfood2_CZ.pdf (
English version: brAInfood2_ENG_V2.pdf (

CLAIRE Office Prague, hosted by CIIRC CTU, will regularly bring the Czech version of brAInfood series, which was created by The Knowledge Centre Data & Society (Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij). These brief factsheets address various topics from the AI field. Their main task is to inform people about basic AI concepts and to clarify some processes, principles and areas of research in this field.

Next brAInfood series will focus on ethical questions in AI systems development.


The Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE) ( is an organisation created by the European AI community that seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation, with a strong focus on human-centred AI. CLAIRE aims to ensure that societies and citizens across all of Europe, and beyond, benefit from AI as a major driver of innovation, future growth and competitiveness, and to achieve world-wide brand recognition for „AI made in Europe“. 

CLAIRE, founded in 2018, has garnered the support of more than 3500 AI experts and stakeholders, who jointly represent the vast majority of Europe’s AI community, spanning academia and industry, research and innovation. Among them are more than 140 fellows from various key scientific associations. CLAIRE has opened administrative offices in The Hague (HQ), Brussels, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Saarbrücken and Zürich.

About Knowledge Centre Data & Society 

The Knowledge Centre Data & Society (Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij) focuses on the interplay between data, artificial intelligence and society. The Centre enables socially responsible, ethical and legally appropriate implementations of AI in Flanders.

The Centre aims to enable Flemish companies, policymakers, regulators and citizens to achieve the greatest social and/or economic benefits of AI. For this it will bring together diverse stakeholder representative organisations and facilitate the creation of tools, advice and recommendations.

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