Robotic perception group (ROP) deals with machine perception, namely computer vision, tactile perception for robotic manipulation, perception from other sensory modalities, and cognitive approach to human-robot interaction. In computer vision we deal with object segmentation using graph methods, videosequences analysis, object detection in images and videos. The other area of interest is the vision-based quality check for industry.

In the automotive domain, we perceive the traffic from the outside of a car and also from the ego-car (project UP-Drive). In robotic applications, we are interested in the situation awareness around a mobile robot (project TRADR). In dual-arm manipulation with soft objects as pieces of a garment (project CloPeMa finished in 2015, followed by the project RadioRoSo) and perception in the Industry 4.0 context.

Head of the group

Name: Václav Hlaváč
Phone: +(420) 603 149 689
Email: vaclav.hlavac(at)

ROP group has been following the Center for Machine Perception (CMP) tradition. CMP was built as an informal team the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) only from 1996 to 2013. Since CIIRC creation in 2013, CMP has been bridting two CTU units, i.e. FEL and CIIRC. One part of CMP acts at the Department of Cybernetics FEL and two parts, groups ROP and AAG (lead by Tomáš Pajdla) in the Robotics and Machine Perception department of CIIRC.

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