Tomas Pajdla and AlquistAI guests of the Experiment radio show


Tomas Pajdla from the Applied Algebra and Geometry Group of the CIIRC CTU in Prague co-authored paper PLMP – Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility which received Best Student Paper Award at at the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision 2019 (ICCV 2019) that took place in Seoul from October 29 until November 1, 2019. ICCV is the premier bi-annual international computer vision conference. Read more…

Listen to Tomas Pajdla speaking about why is computer vision important in our world and how it applies.
Time: 10:30

Alquist AI team from CIIRC CVU is now preparing for the next Alexa Prize Amazon Competition. The team has scored in the past two years and now is speaking about the strategy for the upcoming event.  
Time: 5:00

More info on Alquist AI

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