How to not invest in digitization badly? The Analysis of the Czech Industry 2024 answers this as well


The Czech Industry Analysis 2024 published by the National Centre for Industry 4.0 (NCP 4.0) maps the level of digital maturity in a sample of 328 companies from the Czech Republic. These companies have undergone an independent DigiAudit, a technology-independent methodology developed by NCP 4.0 that can serve as a first step to set an effective strategy for digitisation and innovation in companies. The last chapter of the Analysis is dedicated to a very actual topic, namely sustainability, which will soon translate into mandatory ESG reporting. 86 companies participated in the ESG survey. Thanks to digitalisation, companies will be able to report more efficiently. The results of the survey also show that digitalisation and data analysis open the way for companies to new business opportunities.

The rest of the text is only in the Czech language.

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