If the government does not give Industry 4.0 a clear direction, our journey may end, warns Professor Mařík


A comprehensive interview with our scientific director, Professor Mařík, was published in „Hospodářské noviny“ in „Speciální příloha“ of HN.


Professor Vladimír Mařík, founder and scientific director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at CTU, evaluates the current state of digitalization of Czech industry. He points to the lack of a clear vision and research support from the government. He warns of the threats associated with artificial intelligence, but at the same time emphasises that artificial intelligence provides transparent tools and need not be feared if handled correctly. He discusses various aspects of AI, including energy consumption and ethical issues. Criticises the lack of government support for AI research and engineering. Suggests how policy and support for science and industry in the Czech Republic should change. Draws attention to the potential of the Czech people if given a clear signal and support.

The entire interview is in Czech language and you can read it HERE.

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