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RICAIP Days 2022

RICAIP Days 2022 - A series of events on the occasion of the completion of a unique research infrastructure at CIIRC CTU
On March 10, the Minister of Science, Research and Innovation visited CIIRC CTU and Testbed for Industry 4.0 / RICAIP centre. During the brief visit she was interested in ways how to involve students directly in the research and about how to ...
Co je je to digitální dvojče? A v čem je pro ekonomickou úsporu ve výrobě je důležité? Znamená robotizace snižování lidských zdrojů? Co musí být součástí každého ERP systému? Jaká je dnes vůbec role člověka ve výrobě a jaká bude v budoucnu? A budou j...
CTU has prepared a website where you will find all the information about CTU's assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian students and staff here at CTU, including how you can get involved yourself.
CIIRC CTU and it's management fully support the positions released by the Academic Senate and CTU's rector and express their solidarity with the Ukrainian people.