Project Digicor succesfully finished: it helped enterprises with flexibility in supply chains


In September 2019 the DIGICOR project ends after 3 years of successful research work. 11 companies from across Europe have joint together to develop new business approaches and technical means supporting the collaboration of SME in the supply chains of large European OEM. The goal of the research work is to strengthen the European Aerospace and Automotive industries by enabling innovative SME to participate and to inject their innovations into products and services. Outcome of 36 month of research and innovation activities in DIGICOR are concepts and digital technologies and their implementation into a digital B2B platform.

CIIRC CTU was a member of DIGICOR consortium with its main goal to create with an open platform, instruments and services to enable European companies the setup and execution of SME collaborations. CIIRC CTU task was the automatic generation and further performance of the manufacturing plans. The main investigator at CIIRC CTU was prof. Vladimir Marik, Scientific Director. Petr Kadera, Vaclav Jirkovsky and Jiri Vyskocil from the Intelligent Systems Department were responsible for the research results in the project.

The platform provides the services for seamless digital processes of call-fortender definition and publication, joint offering and later execution the orders in the complex supply chain. Also the enforcement of governance and data security in managed collaborations are core functions of the platform. Key innovations developed in the DIGICOR project are the use of knowledge processing technologies like semantic models for the automated, goal oriented decomposition of complex call for-tenders, the automated matchmaking and team formation. In addition the DIGICOR platform provides connectivity down to the shopfloor level. This enables the collaborating SME to publish real-time status information and cross-company production monitoring and coordination via the DIGICOR platform.

The DIGICOR project has established an ecosystem around the DIGICOR digital platform encouraging software companies to contribute more value adding tools and services and to spread the concept across industrial sectors. Furthermore, the industrialisation of the research results continue in the eFactory project. The eFactory project started at beginning of 2019 and continue the DIGICOR work by industrialising the platform and ecosystem.


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