Researchers´night 2023


On Friday, October 6, another year of the popular public event Researchers‘ Night was held at our institute. From 5 to 10 p.m., crowds of people were passing through to see what was new in the world of informatics, robotics and cybernetics, and attendance again broke records.

All visitors who came to the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics during the Researchers‘ Night:

  • saw what we have prepared for industrial companies in our Testbed – a flexible robotic line, flexible robots, sorting robots and many others;
  • chatted with the NAO robot, which is newly connected to ChatGPT;
  • enjoyed a non-alcoholic beer or lemonade poured by our robotic bartender;
  • chased away a hunger with delicious croissants baked in our smart oven;
  • chatted with the smart chatbot Alquist;
  • touched interesting shapes and materials used in robotic 3D printing;
  • found out if they can beat the robot in CHECKERS;
  • tried on the “aging suit” for themselves and found out how their grandmother or grandfather feels;
  • discovered the secret of 3D reconstruction using the NeRF method;
  • had fun with virtual reality;
  • drew how they imagine the city of the future or colored our robot.

We thank all the visitors who visited us at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics and allowed us to reveal a little of the MYSTERY of science. We firmly believe that they liked it here and that we managed to ignite a spark of interest in scientific research in a lot of the smallest ones, as well as the slightly bigger ones!

And many thanks also goe to all the teams from our institute who prepared a great program for the visitors – the Testbed Team for Industry 4.0RICAIP, the City of the Center of FutureCCF, the department of Cognitive Systems and NeuroscienceCOGSYS, the department of Biomedical Engineering and Assistive TechnologiesBEAT, the Alquist Team, European Center for Digital InnovationEDIH and Smíchovská middle industrial school.

We are looking forward to next year! See you at Reseachers‘ Night 2024 at CIIRC!

Take a look at the VIDEO or the photo gallery below to see what Researchers‘ night looked like here at CIIRC CTU.

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