RICAIP Days 2022


RICAIP Days 2022 – A series of events on the occasion of the completion of a unique research infrastructure at CIIRC CTU

On the occasion of the opening of the newly renovated and equipped RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU), we would like to invite Czech and European stakeholders from academia, industry, media and public administration to a set of lectures, networking opportunities and insider talks.
Join us for the end of April and do not miss meetings with our large Industry 4.0 community.

Events for the professional public: April 28 and 29, 2022
Complete program: https://ricaip.eu/ricaip-days-2022/

Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU is a unique research infrastructure to support Czech industry and the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Czech companies. It forms the core of the backbone network of the European Center of Excellence RICAIP financed from European and national resources of Horizon 2020 and OP RDE in the total amount of almost EUR 48.5 million for the period 2019-2026. The RICAIP Center connects functionally and institutionally testbeds in Prague with testbeds in Brno at CEITEC BUT and in Saarbrücken, Germany, which is jointly managed by two leading German research institutes DFKI and ZeMA. Together with these partners, we are thus laying the foundations for a robust European research infrastructure for industrial artificial intelligence and robotics, the only one of its kind in Europe.

On April 28, 2022, thanks to RICAIP, the crucial phase of the completion of this research laboratory will be completed. This creates a completely unique environment for testing, simulation and development of various scenarios for modern 21st century factories at CTU. This industrially oriented research infrastructure already brings dozens of Czech companies associated with, among others, the National Center for Industry 4.0 (NCP4.0) very specific knowledge and innovative solutions.

On this occasion, RICAIP, CIIRC CTU and NCP4.0 organize a series of events, from which everyone can choose:
April 28, 2022 from 11:00: RICAIP Conference – a professional program for representatives of academia and industry, including a series of guided tours in the Testbed for Industry 4.0.
April 29, 2022 from 8:30 a.m.: NCP4.0 Open Day in Testbed for Industry 4.0 – traditional events for and with NCP4.0 partners.
April 29, 2022 from 9:00: Robotix Academy – a specialized robotic workshop for professionals who want to try out the „Human-Robot Collaboration“ applications on interactive demonstrators.

Unfortunately, the capacity of individual events is limited, so please register via the uniform form here:
* In case of full capacity, the organizers reserve the right to reject other participants.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the organizing team via email pr@ricaip.eu.
We look forward to meeting you.

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