Testbed for Industry 4.0 and National Center for Industry 4.0 opened its doors to public


Testbed for Industry 4.0 and the National Center for Industry 4.0 organized an open day on 29th January, 2018 to help small and medium-sized enterprises to establish contacts in Industry 4.0 and to look into the activities of both entities operating within the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the CTU (CIIRC). In the morning, the door was open to students of Czech secondary schools and universities.

Testbed for Industry 4.0 is an experimental workplace for testing innovative solutions and processes for so-called smart factories. Testbed is the entirely unique concept of a test production line that, thanks to the variability of machines, robots and software tools, including the combination of both expanded and virtual reality, allows the testing of Industry 4.0 processes prior to their introduction into real-world manufacturing. The National Center for Industry 4.0 (NCP4.0) aims primarily at disseminating awareness of Industry 4.0 and developing close cooperation between the academic and industrial spheres and is naturally linked to projects implemented in the testbed.

Part of the day was the presentation of the activities of both subjects, as well as the presentation of academic, institutional and, above all, industrial partners. The NCP4.0 partners introduced new technologies in the field of smart technologies at the presentation stands. Siemens presented the MindSphere operating system, the gateway to the Internet of Things and Digitization, Škoda Auto presented Process Simulate and virtual reality in production planning. Abra Software, DEL, Festo, KUKA Roboter, Factorio Solutions and We Refactor IT also introduced their technologies. The Chambers of Commerce, SIC and University of West Bohemia were presented at the stands as well.

Organizing open days will be one of the regular NCP4.0 events together with expert conferences, workshops and trainings. It is the way how to be opened to the professional public, students and companies and to popularize, promote and disseminate awareness and exchange of experience in Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic”, summarizes the essence of the open days prof. Vladimír Mařík, director of CIIRC CTU.

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