AITP 2019
4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving
April 7–12, 2019, Obergurgl, Austria
4th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving – AITP 2019 ( will take place on April 7–12, 2019 in Obergurgl, Austria. The conference is co-organized by Cezary Kaliszyk (University of Innsbruck) and Josef Urban (CTU – CIIRC).
Conference topics:
- AI and big-data methods in theorem proving and mathematics
- Collaboration between automated and interactive theorem proving
- Common-sense reasoning and reasoning in science
- Alignment and joint processing of formal, semi-formal, and informal libraries
- Methods for large-scale computer understanding of mathematics and science
- Combinations of linguistic/learning-based and semantic/reasoning methods
The Call for Papers is published here.
There will be several focused sessions on AI for ATP, ITP and mathematics, modern AI and big-data methods, and several sessions with contributed talks. The focused sessions will be based on invited talks and discussion oriented.
Selected invited speakers include Wolfgang Bibel (Darmstadt University), Ben Goertzel (SingularityNET), Michael Kinyon (University of Denver), Tomáš Mikolov (Facebook AI Research), Joao Marques Silva (University of Lisbon), Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI) and Christian Szegedy (Google Research).
The program co-chairs are Thomas C. Hales (University of Pittsburgh), Cezary Kaliszyk (University of Innsbruck), Ramana Kumar (DeepMind), Stephan Schulz (DHBW Stuttgart) and Josef Urban (Czech Technical University in Prague).