CIIRC CTU has signed a memorandum with Taiwanese Tunghai University, it will enable the mobility for researchers


On Thursday, July 19, the first direct flight between Prague and Taipei marked a significant event as Dean of Engineering College Chin-Yin Huang from Tunghai University visited the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) CTU. During the visit, an important milestone was achieved when Dean Huang and Director Ondřej Velek of CIIRC CTU signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This agreement signifies the establishment of closer collaboration between the two institutions, fostering increased cooperation and facilitating researcher mobility.

The inaugural long-term research visit of a Taiwanese junior researcher is already scheduled for this autumn, further solidifying the partnership. Ondřej Velek expressed his enthusiasm for this collaboration, highlighting the potential benefits for both countries, particularly due to their shared focus on manufacturing. He stated, „The institutes can benefit from the mutual cooperation, as both our countries are manufacturing-oriented. Having a specialist from Taiwan here can help us better understand the needs of industry in Taiwan and vice versa. I really appreciate the speed the Taiwanese work. We first met in the spring with Dean Huang, and as soon as in July, we have already established cooperation.“

Tunghai University, founded in 1955, holds the distinction of being the oldest private university in Taiwan. Established by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, it is situated in Xitun District, Taichung, Taiwan. In the 2020 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, Tunghai University was recognized as the most impactful private university in Taiwan and ranked third in the country.

Overall, this memorandum signing between Tunghai University and CIIRC CTU sets the stage for a fruitful partnership, enabling academic collaboration, and fostering a deeper understanding of industry needs in both Taiwan and the Czech Republic.

Chin-Yin Huang visited also Testbed for Industry 4.0 RICAIP.

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