CIIRC CTU hosted the annual face-to-face meeting of Czexpats in Science on Sat December 21, 2019


Czexpats in Science is an informal, non-profit networking platform gathering Czech ex-pats living and working abroad. Besides networking among ex-pats themselves, Czexpats in Science helps to connect ex-pats with Czech scientific institutions and potentially helping ex-pats to return back to the Czech Republic. Czexpats also aims at influencing Czech science positively.

Three young ladies, scientists Markéta Kubánková, Vlaďka Petráková, and Anna Stejskalová established Czechpats in Science in a bottom-up, informal manner in 2017. The first face-to-face conference was held in December 2018. Václav Hlaváč from CIIRC CTU participated at this conference. The mentioned three Czexpats in Science founders sought an institution, which could sponsor them by providing the venue for the Czexpats in Science conference 2019 for free. This happened and the conference hosting 140 participants was held in CIIRC CTU on Saturday, December 21, 2019. Josef Šivic, the ex-pat working partly in Paris and at CIIRC CTU was among the participants.

More information about Czexpats in Science 2019 conference is on its web page (in Czech only). CIIRC CTU wishes Czexpats in Science success in their service to the scientific community.

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