Almost 1,500 visitors at the CIIRC building during the Open House festival


The Open House Architecture Festival, in which the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics participated for the first time this year, is successfully over. The modern building of the institute, realized in the years 2014 – 2016 by architect Petr Franta, was visited by a record number of guests – 1474 during Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22. This is probably the maximum capacity of the building and at times there were even queues.

We not only provided visitors with a very interesting panoramic view of the surroundings from the Penthouse terrace on the top tenth floor of the building, but also a close-up view of the unique pneumatic facade, which has won many awards at home and abroad. The factory of the future – RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 – was also opened.

On Saturday from 2 pm, there was also a guided tour directly with the architect Petr Franta, who also provided interesting details.

Photos: Open House – Dušan Vondra

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