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A Vlasák, P Skalický, A Mládek, J Vrána, V Beneš, O Bradáč. Structural volumetry in NPH diagnostics and treatment—future or dead end?. Neurosurgical Review. February 2021. pdf

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P Skalický, A Mládek, A Vlasák, P De Lacy, V Beneš, O Bradáč. Normal pressure hydrocephalus—an overview of pathophysiological mechanisms and diagnostic procedures. Neurosurgical Review. December 2020. pdf

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C Toft, W Maddern, A Torii, L Hammarstrand, E Stenborg, D Safari, M Okutomi, M Pollefeys, J Sivic, T Pajdla, F Kahl, T Sattler. Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence . October 2020. Paper

I Rocco, M Cimpoi, R Arandjelovic, A Torii, T Pajdla, J Sivic. NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Image Correspondences. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence . October 2020. Paper

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D Barath, M Polic, Z Kukelova, T Sattler, W Forstner, T Pajdla. Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation. ECCV 2020. August 2020. Paper supp

F Arrigoni, L Magri, T Pajdla. On the Usage of the Trifocal Tensor in Motion Segmentation. ECCV 2020. August 2020. Paper supp

T Duff, K Kohn, A Leykin, T Pajdla. PL1P – Point-line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views. ECCV 2020. August 2020. Paper supp

Z Kukelova, C. Albl, A Sugimoto, T Pajdla, K Schindler. Minimal Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion (Spotlight). ECCV 2020. August 2020. Paper supp