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On June 13, the book launch "ESEJE O VĚDOMÍ (směrem k umělé inteligenci)" will take place. Authors Vladimír Mařík, Miroslav Svítek and Taťána Maříková, together with other editors, will present their new work...
"Czech researchers have taught artificial intelligence to understand the complex structure of proteins. In this way, they want to speed up the development of new drugs and research into Alzheimer's disease. Today, AI can predict what effects a certain protein can have," says the presenter of the program Experiment. Listen to the talk of our scientists Josef Šivic and Anton...
Anton Bushuiev from the Josef Šivic research group at CIIRC CTU recorded another success at the European level. This time, not solely a scientific one. Together with the "Protein-AI" team...
The National Center for Industry 4.0 in cooperation with FEI VŠB-TUO, ŠKODA AUTO a.s. and the Technological Literacy platform welcomed nearly two hundred students from Ostrava primary and secondary schools on May 20 as part of an educational event about modern technologies...
We would like to invite you to a lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, founding director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and distinguished professor of computer science and artificial intelligence. The lecture "Hybrid technology LxM: AI as a Booster for Industrie 4.0" will take place on 27 May at 10:00 in the Red Auditorium of the...
Tento týden vyšla v Hospodářských novinách speciální příloha, která se zabývá automatizací a digitalizací a výzkumníci z CIIRC v něm měli opět své místo.  Můžete zde najít komplexní rozhovor s Liborem Přeučilem, který zdůrazňuje, že firmy se začínají smiřovat s chybovostí robotů vzhledem k požadavkům na flexibilitu a nedostatku pracovníků. Inteligentní roboti se odlišují od tradičních tím, že jsou schopni...
CIIRC CTU researchers in cooperation with teams of Masaryk University, ICRC Brno and IOCB developed a new machine-learning method that enables more efficient design of proteins with better interaction properties that are essential for advancing drug development.
On days 24-27 April 2024, the Brno Exhibition Center hosted the Construction Fair and Architecture Festival, which included an extremely interesting competition - the Construction Hackathon...
On May 29, 2024, the doors of the RICAIP Testbed Prague and the National Center for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC ČVUT will open to all those interested in the latest trends and technologies in the field of Industry 4.0....
Read new edition of technical magazine Pražská Technika about our big project ROBOPROX. You can read the whole article on page 26. The article is in Czech language.