Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – the IEEE SMC conference took place in Prague


The annual conference of IEEE SMC – International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – organized by CIIRC CTU took place in Prague during 9 – 12 October 2022. The IEEE SMC 2022 conference addressed technological innovation and engineering excellence in the fields of cybernetics, systems, human-machine interaction, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The fields of cybernetics, systems engineering and human-machine systems are rapidly evolving thanks to the Internet revolution and the development of new breakthrough technologies. A new, virtual world has dramatically entered the scene, enhanced by incredible communication capabilities and massive data storage capacities, along with the exploration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which has begun to strongly influence these three areas of engineering and research. In the last few years, we could observe new powerful interactions in the triangle of three worlds: the real world in which we live, work, travel, produce, etc., the virtual world full of zeros and ones, and the social world of the human community.

This triangle represents a completely new space for interdisciplinary research and engineering of large complex systems, a new field of research for the integration of communication, control, system architectures, optimization algorithms, modeling and simulation. These efforts require entirely new methods of analysis and design of technical, biological, ecological, socio-economic and human-machine systems.

The conference was organized as a hybrid conference and was attended by 317 researchers physically and 293 via video conference. A total of 537 papers were presented in 108 sections, of which 276 were presented in person.

The general chairman of the conference was prof. Vladimír Mařík, scientific director of CIIRC ČUT, financial director Doc. Lenka Lhotská from CIIRC CTU and the entire organization of the conference was brilliantly managed by Action-M company, managed by Mrs. Milena Zeithamlová.

At the conference, keynote lectures were presented by prominent scientific experts:

  • Wolfgang Wahlster, CEA of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI
    Edge AI and Active Digital Twins for the Next Decade of Industrie 4.0″
  • Dacheng Tao, University of Sydney, Australia
    Super Deep Learning, another chance?
  • Peter Palensky, TU Delft, The Netherlands
    Digital power system and how to hack them
  • Ilya Kolmanovski, University of Michigan, USA
    Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities in Control of Safety Critical Systems for Increased Autonomy
  • Tomáš Mikolov, CIIRC CVUT, Prague, Czech Republic
    Complex systems for AI

Scientists from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics – Olga Štěpánková, Petr Kadera, Václav Křemen, Petr Novák and Michal Huptych – also made contributions at the conference.

A very important part of the IEEE SMC conference 2022 has traditionally been the BMI (Brain-Machine Interface) workshop with 25 papers, supplemented by a Hackathon, in which 34 teams from all over the world participated online and physically.

The next IEEE SMC Conference 2023 will be held in October 2023 in Maui, Hawaii.


You can see photos from this important scientific event in the photo gallery:

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