Visit of two Czech ministers S. Štech and L. Zaorálek in CIIRC CTU


On Tuesday October 2, 2017 in the morning two ministers of the Czech Government Mr. Lubomír Zaorálek (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and Mr. Stanislav Štěch (Minister of Education, Youth and Sports) visited the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the CTU in Prague.

CIIRC collaborates closely with the Czech Government on the Industry 4.0 Initiative. Both ministers discussed the changes in the industrial production and services with CIIRC leaders and the rector of CTU Prof. Petr Konvalinka. The positive influence of larger investment projects on the education and R&D at universities was discussed too. Ministers visited mobile and industrial robotics laboratories. They were also demonstrated production line planning using virtual reality tools. CIIRC in Testbed Industry 4.0 collaborates with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering closely. The guests visited the virtual reality laboratory AVRAR too.

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