CIIRC CTU welcomed visitors from Taiwan. Cooperation in advanced manufacturing technologies and AI was discussed.


On Monday, October 25, representatives of companies and business associations from Taiwan visited the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University (CIIRC CTU). The aim of the meeting was to establish cooperation mainly in the fields of artificial intelligence, electronics and the development of advanced machines, both at the level of scientific research and industrial cooperation, and at the level of cooperation of industrial associations.

The meeting at CIIRC CTU was organized by the National Center for Industry 4.0, which arranged a tour of the Testbed for Industry 4.0 and within the Czech-German center RICAIP enabled to share knowledge in the field of production digitization, such as the Siemens Digital Enterprise solution.

„CIIRC’s long-term strategy is to develop international cooperation. Our partners are not only European associations, research organizations or companies, but we also work with organizations from Japan and Korea, where technical research and development is at the top level. We are pleased that we managed to follow up on previous negotiations with companies from Taiwan, whose visit was forcibly canceled in recent years due to the covid situation, ”says Ondřej Velek, Director of CIIRC CTU.

Visitors to the delegation included the Institute for the Information Industry, the Precision Machine Research and Development Center, the Taiwan Electrotechnical Association TEEMA, and Taiwan AI Labs, Airoha Technology Corp. and CyCraft. In addition to sharing knowledge about the possibilities of digitizing production, the main attention was focused on the transfer of experience regarding the technological transfer of research into practice and involvement in international projects.

„Taiwan is a clear inspiration for the National Centre for Industry r 4.0. More than 3.5% of GDP is allocated to science and research, with support mainly from technical fields. This fact is evident in the entire ecosystem of the functioning of scientific research institutes. For example, the Taiwanese ITRI Institute, which employs more than 6,000 people, has incubated more than 280 companies and is very active in participating in international projects. Such examples need to be constantly monitored, lessons learned where relevant and used if relevant opportunities can be found, ”says Robert Keil, Business Development Manager at National Center for Industry 4.0.

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