The new RICAIP Testbed for Industry 4.0 was opened in Brno



On Wednesday, November 30, the new RICAIP Testbed Brno was officially opened. It thus became another part of the international research center RICAIP – Research and Innovation Center on Advanced Industrial Production, based on a strategic partnership of the leading Czech research institutions CIIRC ČVUT, CEITEC BUT and the German DFKI (Deutsches Forschungzentrum für Kunstliche Intelligenz) and ZeMa (Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik).

After three years of construction, this year the RICAIP Brno Industry 4.0 Testbed with a total area of ​​420 m2 will serve to internal and external users from the academic and industrial spheres. The testbed will significantly contribute to the digitization of industrial production in the Czech Republic and support the introduction of research results in the field of artificial intelligence into industrial practice by using virtual and augmented reality.

The opening of the testbed at CEITEC BUT follows this April’s start of operation of the RICAIP Prague Testbed, which recently took place at CIIRC CTU. The international connection of Testbeds in Brno, Prague and previously in Saarbrücken will enable distributed, fully digitized intelligent production not only in the Czech Republic, but also throughout Europe.

On the occasion of the opening of the RICAIP Testbed Brno, a conference for industrial partners and experts in the field of Industry 4.0 was held on Thursday, December 1 and on Friday, December 2, an open day took place, when employees, industry partners, and enthusiasts of new technologies will be able to see them with their own eyes.

Look at the ceremonial opening of the RICAIP Testbed on the CEITEC Brno and RICAIP websites.

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