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14. května se pod záštitou české ambasády v Lucembursku konal česko-lucemburský den robotiky. Akce se účastnili panelisté z akademické sféry: z Vysokého učení technického v Brně, Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze, Vysoké školy báňské – technické univerzity Ostrava, Západočeské univerzity v Plzni a Univerzity Lucemburk, centrálních lucemburských a českých státních agentur pro vesmírný průmysl: Luxembourg Space Agency, CzechInvest; i...
Třeba ve Wikipedii byste si mohli o prof. Ing. Vladimíru Maříkovi, DrSc., dr.h.c., který je dnes vědeckým ředitelem Českého institutu informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky ČVUT poté, co tento unikátní ústav vybudoval, přečíst spousty řádků. Je však málo lidí, kteří o tomto průkopníkovi několika oborů, věcné spolupráce mezi akademickým prostředím a firmami, nikdy neslyšeli. Vladimír Mařík je osobností, o jehož...
This year’s fourth issue of Bulletin for Industry 4.0 focuses on important industrial topics such as Cybersecurity and Testbeds for Industry 4.0. Bulletin for Industry 4.0 2019/04 From the content: The need to share data poses serious cybersecurity threats to industrial companies. How to build a successful data-driven business and eliminate cyber threats at the same time? International Data Spaces Association...
Date: June 5, 2019 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p. m. Testbed for Industry 4.0 keeps on expanding and adding technologies that demonstrate production according to the Industry 4.0 concept. We would like to invite you to visit this unique experimental workplace where innovative solutions and processes for the factory of the future are tested. During a guided tour of...
CIIRC CVUT Researchers from Industrial Informatics Department were awarded Best Industrial Paper Award for their paper presented at 5th International Conference VEHITS that took place in Greek Crete on May 3 – 5, 2019. Jiří Vlasák, Michal Sojka and Zdeněk Hanzálek presented their paper Accelerated RRT* and Its Evaluation on Autonomous Parking. The purpose of the 5th International Conference on...
Professor Vladimír Kučera from the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics was among the eight former representatives of the Masaryk Institute of Higher Studies decorated with the Albín Bráf medal during a festive gala held at the Betlém Chapel at the end of April. The prized award commemorating one of the founders of the Czech economics education and...
Are you a fan of R/C cars? Are you interested in autonomous driving? And do you know what R/C cars have to do with Porsche? Then you should not miss a unique opportunity to meet with a CTU student team which at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics designs and programs autonomous R/C cars under the guidance...
Alquist team represented by Jan Pichl, Petr Marek, Jakub Konrád, Martin Matulík and Petr Lorenc won Project of the Year 2018 AI Award presented in the field of artificial intelligence. The CTU team has twice placed second in the prestigious Amazon Alexa Prize contest with its Alquist chatbot project. In the AI Awards finals the Alquist team competed against Machine...
Professor Vladimír Mařík, the scientific director of CIIRC CTU, was awarded the prestigious Manager of the Year award presented by the Czech Management Association. He received the award at a ceremonial gala held in the Žofín Palace on April 25, 2019. Together with winning the main Manager of the Year Award, he was also awarded the Smart Manager of the...