EIT Manufacturing

Name: EIT Manufacturing
Website: eitmanufacturing.eu
Twitter: twitter.com/EITManufactur
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/eit-manufacturing
Facebook: facebook.com/EIT-Manufacturing
CIIRC involved since: 2018 (since the beginning)
Role of CIIRC: Core Member
Contact email: eitmanufacturing@ciirc.cvut.cz
CIIRC Contact persons: Anna Tahovská – Main Contact for CTU
Petr Kolář – Main Contact for FME CTU

Eva Doležalová – Communication

EIT Manufacturing

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the European Union in 2008 with funds from the EU’s Framework Programme Horizon 2020 for business, education and research development. Whole EIT brings together more than 1000 partners, who are divided into 8 sector-oriented communities. Since 2018 the EIT Manufacturing belongs amongst them as well. Its main focus is to promote innovation in European manufacturing sector and aims to increase its global competitiveness, sustainability, and productivity. Apart from the direct project opportunities EIT Manufacturing facilitates also various possibilities for development of profound international cooperation. EIT Manufacturing establishes an innovation community and is building a network of ecosystems where people can acquire skills and find opportunities; and where innovators are able to attract investors.

EIT Manufacturing at a Glance here.

The core of the EIT Manufacturing consortium has grown from the original fifty entities to the current 60 from 17 European countries. CTU joined EIT Manufacturing as the only Czech full member through two of its parts – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME CTU) and Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU). These two workplaces in cooperation with other European partners implement various projects, usually annual, in areas of transfer of digital knowledge in Industry 4.0, training and education activities to increase qualifications for working with advanced production technologies, but also, for example, digital transformation of companies.

EIT Manufacturing Hub in the Czech Republic

In 2020 CTU became the EIT Manufacturing Hub for the Czech Republic. The aim of EIT Manufacturing Hub is to develop a national innovation ecosystem with focus on manufacturing. Czech universities, research institutes, manufacturing companies and startups can therefore participate more easily in projects administered by EIT Manufacturing. CTU interconnects these subjects via networking and educational activities into a knowledge triangle, which enables them to share more efficiently good practice in research, business and higher education.

Participating CTU workplaces:

Testbed for Industry 4.0 CIIRC CTU     |  www.ciirc.cvut.cz |

  • Unique research infrastructure for the development and testing of innovative solutions in the near real production environment

National Centre for Industry 4.0 (NCI40)            |  www.ncp40.cz |  

  • An open platform for popularization of Industry 4.0
  • Connecting stakeholders from academia, industry, professional organizations and public administration
  • Networking, organizing professional events and seminars
  • Consultancy for digitization of companies

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU (FME CTU)                   |  fs.cvut.cz

  • Participating in educational courses, trainings and programs for students and for the Czech and European industrial community

The role of CIIRC CTU as the EIT Manufacturing Hub Czech Republic is presented in this video (in Czech language):

Both CIIRC CTU and FME CTU are participating in the programmes within the project of the EIT HEI Innitiative: Tandem+

Projects in 2024:

Acronym Project name Involved parts of CTU
Confacts II:  Confacts II: Multi-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital components II  CIIRC
CAPP_AI4.0 Learning about AI and digitalization for a more efficient computer-aided process planning in Machining 4.0   FME
Self-Made Self-management & device digitalization in manufacturing  FME
YML-TWO Young Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open society FME
EIT M RIS Hubs EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs CIIRC
DSL Doctoral School FME

Projects in 2023:


Acronym Project name Involved parts of CTU
Confacts II:  Confacts II: Multi-layer Connected Factories with hybrid conventional and digital components II  CIIRC
RoboTwin:  RoboTwin: RoboTwin – motion imitating robotics  CIIRC
AI4ENGINE: AI4ENGINE: AI for wEaviNG kpIs moNitoring and prEdiction to EIT Manufacturing!  CIIRC
RIEMANN II: RIEMANN II: ROS-based Education of Advanced Motion Planning and Control  CIIRC
 CAPP_AI4.0 Learning about AI and digitalization for a more efficient computer-aided process planning in Machining 4.0   FME
 DE4huMAN Developing design driven innovation skills for human centered manufacturing system   FME
 Self-Made Self-management & device digitalization in manufacturing  FME
YML-TWO Young Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open society FME
EIT M RIS Hubs EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs CIIRC
DSL Doctoral School FME
FlexMan Experiential Learning for Flexible and Resilient Manufacturing FME
ShapiNG I Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals I FME

Projects in 2022:

Acronym Project name Involved parts CTU
 CAPP_AI4.0 Learning about AI and digitalization for a more efficient computer-aided process planning in Machining 4.0  FME
 DE4huMAN Developing design driven innovation skills for human centered manufacturing system  FME
 Self-Made Self-management & device digitalization in manufacturing FME
YML-TWO Young Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open society FME
EIT M RIS Hubs EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs CIIRC
DSL Doctoral School FME
FlexMan Experiential Learning for Flexible and Resilient Manufacturing FME
RIEMANN RIEMANN: ROS-based Education of Advanced Motion Planning and Control CIIRC
ShapiNG I Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals I FME
SEEN for Lightweighting Simulation Enhanced/Enabled Nuggets for Learning and Mastering Manufacturing for Lightweighting FME
EduDevRIS Education programs development in RIS countries FME
AMazeD Demand-driven additive manufacturing upskilling in RIS countries CIIRC
LIVE4.0 Learning about IoT and Virtualization to better your Experience in Machining in the 4.0 era FME
PATHFINDER Hybrid learning paths for professional education in manufacturing FME
SmartDIGI Smart Educational Framework for DIGItalization CIIRC
FactoRIS II Learning Factories for Digital Transformation of SMEs CIIRC
CAMplus4.0 FME


Projects in 2021:

Acronym Project name Involved parts CTU
AIMS2 AI for Manufacturing SMEs and Students CIIRC
M-NEST-2 Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies CIIRC
ManuLearn II Learning through manufacturing challenges II CIIRC
RIS I40 Hub RIS Industry 4.0 Hubs CIIRC
SEEN for Lightweighting Simulation Enhanced/Enabled Nuggets for Learning and Mastering Manufacturing for Lightweighting (FME) FME
ShapiNG I Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals (FME) FME
YML – TWO Young Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open society (FME) FME
EIT Manufactring RIS Hubs EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs CIIRC
Start for Future

Projects in 2020:

Acronym Project name Involved parts CTU
DigTrafoRis Digital Transformation in RIS CIIRC
DSL EIT labelled PhD FME
EIT M RIS Hubs EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs CIIRC
LIFT Europe PanEuropean Network of Learning Factories CIIRC
M-NEST-RIS Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies CIIRC
Mach4.0 Learning Factory for implementation Industry 4.0 in Machining FME
ManuLearn Learning through manufacturing challenges FME
YML Young Manufacturing Leaders FME